+255 752 940 130 | +41 78 831 30 73

Flight Booking

When you are planning to travel by air, getting the cheap air tickets is one of the prime considerations. Air tickets can make for a significant part of the travel expense and getting cheap flights tickets could mean saving quite a good sum of money. We manage your travel on all domestic and international routes for any airline, offering the best services by our professional and experienced staffs at the best price available as per your requirement and preference of travel.

Inno Africa Safaris provide a one-stop solution to get the best deals not just from the airlines but also from all other segments of the travel business.

Inno Africa Safari strives to get cheap air tickets for its customers from the airlines serving domestic or international destinations. At Inno Africa Safari, we are well aware of all the factors that have a bearing on the flight ticket pricing and, being a prominent player in the booking and travel business in East Africa, are well positioned to get the cheap flights tickets for you.

Inno Africa Safari offers a single platform to its customers where the discount offered by the different airlines for various seasons, dates and routes can not only be known but also be booked. Being an important intermediary across the various domains of the travel business, we save the time, effort and money of the customers by offering them comparative analysis of the various travel products and services from different players. Also, we offer the best suggestions and tips based on our vast experience to make your travel totally hassles-free.

By offering various other services including the accommodation, car rental and travel booking services, we are in a unique position to devise a low-cost travel budget for you. By virtue of our being volume business generators for the various service providers, be it the airlines, hotels and transport providers, we hold the leverage to negotiate cheap air tickets and best price hotel and car rentals for our customers. This way we are able to give the best quotes for the whole journey, beginning with the cheap flights tickets.

You can contact us on phone or through email to know the cheap air tickets rates for their single or roundtrip air travel in East Africa.

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